Peter Langewis
Founder, Bloom Group
Tom Kerckhaert - Product Marketing at Vive
Tom Kerckhaert
Marketing, Vive Group

At Bloom Group, a start-up specializing in IT consulting, quickly arranging a suitable retirement for its growing team was a top priority. The company, which focuses on custom software solutions, was looking for a retirement solution that could provide simplicity and efficiency without the complexity of traditional retirement plans.

The best price, high quality and transparency

During Bloom Group's search for a pension provider, Vive stood out for their competitive pricing and high quality of service. Vive's personal approach and easy contract management particularly appealed to Bloom Group. These aspects, combined with the transparency and ease of use of Vive's offering, made it the perfect choice for Bloom Group.

"The offers we had from other parties were quite complex. Which gave us doubts of yes, should we want this for our employees? And Vive didn't have that. That was the deciding factor for us to go with Vive." - Peter Langewis

Perfect onboarding

The most important result, of course, was that everything went right the first time. Vive helped us with a slide deck, an information memo of how you could start using the app, what you needed. Yes, it was a smooth transition from no pension to pension. - Peter Langewis

Implementation of the retirement plan with Vive went smoothly. Vive supported Bloom Group employees by providing information memoranda and slide decks that explained how to use the app. These tools ensured an effortless transition to a well-regulated retirement. Bloom Group employees were very pleased with the app's clear explanations and functionality, which enabled them to manage their retirement easily and efficiently.

Healthy collaboration for healthy finances 

Choosing Vive not only provided Bloom Group with a reliable and simple retirement solution, but also one that fit perfectly with the dynamics of the company. The experience with Vive was extremely positive and not only improved employee satisfaction and well-being, but also contributed to a strong corporate culture focused on care and future planning.

I would describe the cooperation with Vive as very healthy. And the service they provide, we are very satisfied with that. Our people are satisfied with that. That's actually maybe even more important to us. So that our people are well taken care of, also in the long term and their old age. - Peter Langewis

"Obviously in a start-up, you often don't really start a pension fund right away, but we felt it was time to set up a pension for our people as soon as possible, if we could."

Peter Langewis

Personal Investment Plan

A customized retirement investment plan for each person. This will be plan is completely tailored to your financial situation.

Real-time insight via the Vive App

Track the progress of your retirement anytime, anywhere through the easy-to-use app. Easily see what your money is invested in and how it is performing.

Automatic spread investments

Vive invests in globally diversified funds to optimize your retirement income. We also incorporate ESG valuations to maintain a good balance between returns and the world.

Vive Business
Start-ups and scale-ups
Each employee's own plan
Flexible (periodic) contributions
All in one app (4.9/5)
Making an appointment

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