Vive Group Amsterdam

Vive Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 268, 1016 EV in Amsterdam
Postal address
PO Box 3850, 1001 AR at Amsterdam

Vive brings the new standard

At Vive, we are committed to innovating wealth management with the latest technology and proven Asset Liability Management (ALM) methodology. Our user-friendly app puts individuals and employers in control of their financial future, with the goal of financial resilience and success.

Team Amsterdam

Also give people the future in their own hands

View open positions on our team.

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Alexander Brouwer
Founder, CEO
Ramses van de Nes
Chief Operational Officer
Rogier Roukens
Chief Technology Officer
Gaston Siegelaar
Head of Investments
Tom Kerckhaert
Product Marketing
Martin Boerma
Alexey Nikitenko
Back-end Development
Roman Golubenko
Front-end Development
Maryna Dubrova
Quality Assurance
Tobias van Casteren
Investment Analyst
Compliance Officer
Chang Sie Blanker
Development Intern

Frequently asked questions about Vive

Find answers to frequently asked questions about Vive's wealth management services, technology and approach.

What makes Vive unique?

Vive is unique because, unlike many index fund investors, we customize a personal investment strategy. In addition, we execute this strategy for you and keep track of all your investments.

Who are the cooperation partners of Vive?

When you invest with Vive, you get an investment account at Saxo Bank (formerly Binck Bank). From this account we invest and manage your investments and deposits.In addition, we are supervised by the Authority for the Financial Markets (AFM) and we are an approved financial institution.

What is the mission of Vive?

Vive's mission is to give everyone the opportunity to make money work for them, in the simplest way that suits them. We do this by creating a tailor-made investment strategy, executing it for you and keeping track of all your investments 24/7.

Are my investments with Vive sustainable?

We invest your assets in a way that takes into account the impact on society. This is how we work together to create a more sustainable future. To select funds, we use external ratings to assess their environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact.

Why is Vive reliable?

Vive has an EU27 investment license from the Financial Markets Authority. In addition, your money and investments are in a separate custody account with our partner BinckBank.

Demo - Pension options in the Netherlands

In an online appointment with someone from our team, you'll get a complete picture of the pension landscape in the Netherlands and the possibilities for your employees. With and without Vive.

30 min.
Ramses from the Nes