Vive Group Amsterdam

Vive Amsterdam
Keizersgracht 268, 1016 EV in Amsterdam
Postal address
PO Box 3850, 1001 AR at Amsterdam

Vive brings the new standard

At Vive, we are committed to innovating wealth management with the latest technology and proven Asset Liability Management (ALM) methodology. Our user-friendly app puts individuals and employers in control of their financial future, with the goal of financial resilience and success.

Team Amsterdam

Also give people the future in their own hands

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Alexander Brouwer
Founder, CEO
Ramses van de Nes
Chief Operational Officer
Rogier Roukens
Chief Technology Officer
Paul Spronk
Chief Commercial Officer
Gaston Siegelaar
Head of Investments
Tom Kerckhaert
Product Marketing
Martin Boerma
Alexey Nikitenko
Back-end Development
Roman Golubenko
Front-end Development
Maryna Dubrova
Quality Assurance
Tobias van Casteren
Investment Analyst
Compliance Officer
Chang Sie Blanker
Development Intern

Frequently asked questions

When are investments made?

Once your money is in your bank account, we invest it for you the next day. These investments are visible in your app within 4 days.

How long will it take for my money to be deposited?

It takes about 1 to 2 days before your money is in your investment account. Then we start working immediately to invest this money according to your personal plan.

How does Vive handle my personal data?

We use your information only to identify you and provide appropriate advice. Your information is never shared with third parties unless indicated. For example, to open your investment account.

Are my investments with Vive sustainable?

We invest your assets in a way that takes into account the impact on society. This is how we work together to create a more sustainable future. To select funds, we use external ratings to assess their environmental, social and governance (ESG) impact.

How risky is investing with Vive?

Vive invests based on your financial situation. We never take risks outside your financial profile.

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Paul Spronk