Case study

MiWebb opts for Vive

Tom Kerckhaert
July 29, 2024

MiWebb, led by Michael Webbers, specializes in custom software development for a diverse client base, including big names such as the RAI. The company aimed to provide a flexible and appropriate retirement solution to fit the diverse needs of their workforce, ranging from young graduates to employees with families.

Each staff member's own retirement plan 

MiWebb's challenge lay in finding a retirement solution that was both flexible and understandable for all of their employees. They struggled to find a provider who could offer a retirement plan that fit the varying financial needs and life stages of their staff.

Vive was chosen as a retirement partner because of their unique model that gives each staff member an individual retirement pot. This allows employees to actively manage their own financial future and adapt it to their changing life circumstances. For example, employees can adjust their pension contributions on a monthly basis. This model provided the flexibility MiWebb was looking for to accommodate both younger and older employees.

"We have some guys who already have wives and children and guys who just finished college. Especially in a time of scarcity in staffing, pleasing your staff is very important." - Michael Webbers, founder MiWebb

Increased awareness creates more financial planning

Vive proactively supported MiWebb staff by explaining various aspects of retirement planning, including the basics of annuities and the benefits of early planning. These educational sessions increased financial awareness among staff and encouraged them to be proactive with their retirement planning.

Following the implementation of the Vive retirement plan at MiWebb, there has been a noticeable increase in engagement and discussions about retirement planning within the company. Employees are not only more informed, but also more actively engaged in their financial future. Some employees have even taken steps to consult an estate planner, indicating increased proactivity.

"The second most important result so far is that the team is actually talking about retirement. And also how they are dealing with it themselves and why they came to that choice. And it's not that they're just talking about it but that they're actually working on it instead of just talking about it." - Michael Webbers

Retirement strategy and education leads to a more engaged team 

Working with Vive has provided MiWebb with a clear, transparent and flexible retirement solution that fits well with their diverse workforce. A well-thought-out retirement strategy, supported by effective communication and education, can lead to a stronger and more engaged team.

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